Mastercard to buy digital ID firm Ekata for $850m | Amazon payments: scan your palm | Goldman Sachs invests $69m in UK digital bank Starling

FinTech Ecosystem Insights by Bussmann Advisory is our weekly newsletter with over 28’000 subscribers, summarizing relevant news and reports related to ecosystems around disruptive technologies, highlighting key updates from the industry as well as our portfolio companies:

  • Mastercard to buy digital ID firm Ekata for $850m
  • Amazon is bringing palm-scanning payment system to supermarkets
  • Goldman Sachs invests $69 million in British digital bank Starling

The latest edition of the FinTech Ecosystem Newsletter is here:

SAP sets up dedicated financial services unit | Walmart files for trademark for FinTech unit: ‘Hazel by Walmart’​ | Microsoft buys Nuance for $16B

FinTech Ecosystem Insights
 by Bussmann Advisory is our weekly newsletter, summarizing relevant news and reports related to ecosystems around disruptive technologies, highlighting key updates from the industry as well as our portfolio companies:

  • SAP retreats from Financial Services, spins off IP & staff to a partner
  • Walmart files for trademark for FinTech unit: ‘Hazel by Walmart’
  • Microsoft buys speech recognition firm Nuance in a $16 billion deal

The latest edition of the FinTech Ecosystem Newsletter is here:

Alibaba hit with record $2.8 billion fine in China | Google has long way to go to becoming anti-Amazon of e-commerce | Fintech billionaires revealed

FinTech Ecosystem Insights
 by Bussmann Advisory is our weekly newsletter, summarizing relevant news and reports related to ecosystems around disruptive technologies, highlighting key updates from the industry as well as our portfolio companies:

  • Alibaba hit with record $2.8 billion antitrust fine in China
  • Google has long way to go to becoming anti-Amazon of e-commerce
  • Fintech billionaires revealed: Who is on the 2021 rich list?

The latest edition of the FinTech Ecosystem Newsletter is here:

Credit Suisse lurches from one risk management crisis to the next | Banks face up to $10 billon losses in hedge fund | WhatsApp payment relaunch in Brazil

FinTech Ecosystem Insights by Bussmann Advisory is our weekly newsletter, summarizing relevant news and reports related to ecosystems around disruptive technologies, highlighting key updates from the industry as well as our portfolio companies:

  • Credit Suisse lurches from one risk management crisis to the next
  • Banks could face up to $10 billion in losses from the Archegos hedge fund liquidation
  • WhatsApp payment service gets go-ahead for Brazil relaunch

The latest edition of the FinTech Ecosystem Newsletter is here: